We are a dedicated group of students from Farragut High School in Knoxville, TN, working to expand access to technology for everyone.


Julius Hao

Alex Yan
Technical Lead

Adithya V. Sastry

Alex Yan is also a Linux user, after he accidentally wiped the Windows boot partition from his laptop. In his spare time he likes to study absurdly complicated math and physics problems and attempt to explain his own existence through the occasional philosophical musing.

Adithya V. Sastry (Adi) is an avid Linux and tech enthusiast. He first developed the idea for the UpTech Project when he used Linux to revive old laptops in his own house. He is also the creator of his own Linux distribution, Tin Can Linux. Besides this, Adi enjoys folding origami models, gardening, and playing tennis in his driveway.

Julius Hao is a high school student who enjoys helping others while exploring different hobbies. From cooking delicious dishes to pursuing photography, he will inevitably explore any new topics that happen to pique his interest. Although originally unfamiliar with technology and computer science, Julius took the opportunity to assist those in need while fostering a new interest in the field. In his free time, he enjoys playing and arranging music, running track and cross country, and eating food.


Reach out to us and help a student in need today.